SE Solutions, Inc.
SE Solutions, Inc.

Remote Support

Click on the above "AeroAdmin Image" to Download Remote Desktop Software.

Installation Instructions: 

Depending on your browser, Open,Run or Save, then Run.   You may also be prompted to "Allow application to make changes to your PC?", Answer "Yes".

When ready, tell technician the "Your Id-   IP" that appears on the left side under "Allow remote control".


PIN: Will be unique and changes frequently.


Technician may ask you provide it.   

Once the technician connects , you’ll need to grant them access ......

1) check the box "Allow to access my computer" and

2) click on "Accept" button.


The following popup appears on the bottom right indicating the technician now has CONTROL of your system.

*** Troubleshooting Download Instructions ***


In some instances, you may see "AeroAdmin.exe can't be downloaded"

Please follow these additional steps:

Note: This works best with the Microsoft "Edge" browser.   


Your Browser may require the following steps to "Keep" and install AeroAdmin.


1) Click on AeroAdmin.exe, 3 dots (...)     

    on the right will appear.

2) Click on the 3 dots, "Keep"

3) "Keep Anyway"

4) "Open File" and continue with the install.

Note: If your default browser is not "Edge", then Open "Edge", copy and paste the link into "Edge" and continue.

If you are still having difficulty launching AeroAdmin, then notify technician and use Teamviewer

We specialize in Business Analysis and solving Technical Issues.

Need Help?

Call for tech support now:

(917) 572-7967


or send us an email:

SE Solutions, Inc.

Oceanside, NY 11572 


Follow instructions Click on Image below...
Download Remote Desktop Software

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